Tuesday, September 1, 2015

10 Time-Saving Tools for Academic Writers

Writing an academic paper is often the last hurdle that stands between a student and their much-awaited bachelor’s or post-graduate degree. Much is often demanded of a final academic paper. Apart from being a comprehensive thesis on a relevant topic or theory, it also has to adhere to certain rules about grammatical structures and stating references.

While you can expect to spend a great deal of time cranking out a quality academic paper, there are ways in which you can work more efficiently also. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of tools that you can use to work out certain technical aspects of your paper so that you can concentrate better on developing your main idea.

These time-saving tools include the following:

  1. Cloud Storage. Accumulating large amounts of data is pretty inevitable during the process of writing an academic paper. One of the worst things that could happen is if your computer’s hard drive or if your external hard drive were to crash in the midst of writing your paper. Having to begin your research all over again would definitely set you back by weeks or perhaps even months.
  2. You can prevent this by registering for an online cloud storage account. A quick browse through your search engine of choice is sure to result in a couple of good cloud storage programs that would not only allow you to back-up different versions of your work, but also enable you to collaborate with your advisor or editor over a simple interface (The Book Designer).

  3. Online Grammar Checkers. Even the strictest grammar stickler is bound to make a few mistakes over the course of writing a paper. The best online grammar checkers can find up to ten times more grammar and spelling mistakes than your typical word processor, and can even point out the usage of clichés.
  4. You may have to shell out a monthly payment of about USD30, but it would be a pretty good investment if you don’t want to spend a great deal of time proofreading your work after each revision.

  5. Note-taking applications. These applications not only conduct a spell-check on your notes, but they also allow you to organize them in a variety of effective ways such as through list-handling and syntax-highlighting. You can easily find a great number of such applications online, and the good ones function like a better-organized notebook. (PR Daily)
  6. Website Blockers. Online distractions are one other culprit that can lead you to waste time during your academic paper-writing sessions. Website blockers can be installed on the browser of your choice so that they block distractions like social media websites or blogs that aren’t related to your paper topic during an active working session . You can even choose which websites to block and for how long once you install this tool.
  7. Online ghost writers. There are many online agencies that allow you to hire the services of talented writers from different fields. This is especially useful when you need to get a lot of research done in a limited amount of time, or when you seem to have hit a slump during your writing process. (Papers for Sale)
  8. Automated Citation Generators. One of the most time-consuming aspects of writing an academic paper is citing references according to your advisor’s preferred method. Certain websites enable you to implement the most popular referencing styles (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.) for free (Lifehack). All you need to do is register for an account on their website and then follow the succeeding instructions.
  9. Audio and video transcription applications. This application transcribes your recordings into notes for you, sparing you the time and trouble. If your first draft happens to be recorded in audio format, you can simply sign up for a quality application (for a minimal fee of USD1) and have them translate your initial recording into a written draft.
  10. Note organization applications. Having to organize all your notes and readings can be a very tedious process. Fortunately, you can download a good note organization application online and use it to tag your notes and ideas. Such applications can also be used to help you find the information you need at the click of a button.
  11. Keyboard shortcut tools. These can be installed onto your computer so that you can use keyboard shortcuts in lieu of a mouse. This way, your fingers no longer need to move away from the keyboard as you type, helping you cut down on your writing time by as much as 30%.
  12. Writing Environment Interface. Applications like this can be installed so that you end up with a less cluttered and more calming interface for your word processor. Such a simple and straightforward environment can help you focus better and thus get a lot more work done in less time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Local Libraries: Give Them a Chance to Survive in the Digital Era

Modern technologies help us be smart and up-to-date. The Internet combines a global net of sites, where you can find enormous variety of books, articles, essays, and magazines instantaneously.

It causes a question, “Is there a chance for local libraries to survive?”.

What about you? Do you often visit libraries to find a print version of a book?

I think, you don't.

Librarians think the same, so they decided to create five ways to make libraries into community spaces for young students.

A Space for Youth

Imagine the situation when your Internet doesn't work. It is unusual today, isn't it? Librarians know that it is important to provide fast Internet with the help of modern devices: computers, laptops, or tablets. Many students are looking for a place where they can use modern technologies with all tools when they are not at home. It can be used for both, entertaining and studying. It is up to students to make a query they need to.

Anyway, some libraries have their guidelines about using the Internet. For example, you might be interested in reading the Internet use policy in Madison public library. However, the number of gadgets in libraries is still growing. Doubtless, it attracts students to visit an absolutely new space, a library with less print books and more digital sources.

Mobile Makerspace in a Library

Sometimes people believe that a visit to a library is a real challenge. Firstly, it takes time to get there, especially in rural areas. Secondly, you might spend this time in a more interesting way.

These two reasons cause a new idea: mobile makerspace!

The idea is to involve teens aged 12 to 18 years to visit libraries not just to read something, but also to make experiments. There was a case when North Central Regional Library (NCRL), Washington State, got a federal grand $40,000 to make such a mobile makerspace. It offers young people to experiment with audio and visual engineering, robotics, and 3-D printing.

Sounds interesting even for adults, do you agree?

E-Resources Usage

It is not a secret that young people are not eager to study a lot. At the same time they are interested in all up-to-date technologies and resources.

This idea has become a key point for providing e-resources usage for free.

I have already mentioned that libraries have many gadgets, but you can also download books, music, and other electronic media for free. Furthermore, librarians are going to teach you how to do it. Be ready to love reading in libraries!

Master Your Skills

Many students face the problem of writing their tasks. Of course, there are some useful sites that help with assignments, but students want to learn how to write, read, evaluate, proofread, and develop their citation skills too. Nowadays, many librarians provide them with mentors who can help to make these skills stronger.

Hint: Working in a team motivates students to come and learn more.

Trustful Health Resources

None can deny that the Internet is full of fake information. It can be a problem, when a student needs to get trustful medical information. In this case, no mistakes are allowed. That is why some librarians help students get genuine medical information about bio medicine, nursing, and health sciences in general.


Local libraries want to be useful even in the days of modern technologies. There are many ways how to make students come and read, learn, and study. One must admit that these efforts help students know more interesting facts and improve their skills. Viva, libraries!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Considering Controversial Research Paper Topics

Research paper topics are the beginning points of every research project.”

The concept of writing a research paper on controversial research paper topics at first appears simple. That is because writing controversial research papers is primarily a matter of deciding on a wide range of controversial research paper topics, which every online resource and writing guide litters with.

Controversy seems to be easy to uncover. After all, this contentious dispute covers all facets of present-day life, including religion, politics, art, war, property, social class, and taxes.

Though, don’t be disappointed with apparent simplicity of writing a research paper on controversial research paper topics, because it is really not simple at all.

Controversial research paper topics are subjects that raise debates and are much spoken about.
Hence, it is obvious that some of these issues have become hackneyed, stale, and battered. It does not mean that they are no longer debatable and topical issues. They do not merely raise the interest of the audience, because many divergent and polar opinions have been expressed regarding them.

Though, if abortion, gangs, or alcohol issues genuinely capture your interest, and you have something to say about these controversial topics, never doubt in choosing this subject-matter for your research assignment, because you will do a better job researching and writing about the topic you are interested in.

Another trap in writing research papers on topics that are debatable in their essence is that for the most part controversial research paper topics are too broad and general. If your research paper topics are too broad, you will have to deal with too much information in one research paper.

Referring to your knowledge, experiences and interests may help you pick the dimension that will make the broad topic more focused. Try to look at subdivisions or smaller areas of the broad topics. Bear in mind that good topics for research papers are neither broad nor narrow.

Below you will discover a bulk of controversial research paper topics that have recently been
in the public eye. Hopefully, you will find the topic, which will be right up your street.

  • The Death of Environmentalism. Global Warming Politics in Post-Environmental Worlds
  • The Level of Nicotine in Cigarettes is Kept High in the Tobacco Industry
  • The Roots of Academic Dishonesty Lie in the Deficiency of Educational System
  • Bush Calls for Gay Marriages to be Outlawed
  • Is Being Excessively Overweight an Epidemic?
  • Should Media Producers Prosecute Students and Individuals that They Suspect of Downloading Copyrighted Materials?
  • Foreign Policy. European Union in Competition with U.S. unilateralism
  • Can Racial Balance in Business, Education, and Military be Achieved without Policies that Promote Affirmative Action?
  • Should the US Adopt a Nationalized Health Care System?
  • Obstacles to Women Running for Political Offices
Need more examples? Check these trusted resources:

Thursday, July 2, 2015

How to Write a Strong and Definite Conclusion for Research Paper

The conclusion is a closing part of your research paper, which is usually one of the most thought-provoking steps to writing a research paper, but also the most challenging to compose, because many writers feel they have nothing to say after having written the paper uncovering all points along the way.
While writing a reserch paper, bear in mind that your conclusion is what your audience remember best. That’s why the primary task of every writer is to create a strong and memorable conclusion.
In fact, there is no right or wrong way to end a research paper just as there are no right or wrong ways to start or end the conversation, but certain ways of thinking about conclusions can be helpful in writing researh papers.
Remember that a well-grounded conclusion should present your final analysis of what you have been arguing about, frame your thoughts, and bridge them to the readers. State your case succinctly, knowing that your readers got acquainted with the information that you have provided.
At its most basic level, concluding paragraphs should summarize everything you have asserted while writing a research paper.
However, in most cases writers go beyond simple summation; they choose to expand their thesis statement by revealing the ways in which research paper thesis might have significance in the world outside it. It means that in concluding paragraphs of your paper you should present your research paper thesis in a fresh way without repeating it word-by-word.
In an effort to go beyond summation, you may use the following strategies :
  1. Introduce a relevent quote;
  2. Include a provocative insight;
  3. Set forth a warning, recommendation, or hypothesis;
  4. Tell an approapriare anecdote;
  5. Make a call to action;
  6. Place the research paper in a larger context;
  7. Look into the future and make some prediction concerning the subject matter under consideration;
  8. Propose a solution to an issue;
  9. Offer questions for further study;
  10. Consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings;
Crafty traps to avoid while writing your conclusion:
  • As you write your conclusion, avoid the "so-as-you-can-see" ending and the "in conclusion my thesis statement proves that" or "states that" ending. These phrases come across as overused and trite approaches to writing a research paper.
  • Avoid introducing new points or arguments in your concluding paragraphs; this will leave your research paper open-ended and your readers disappointed. If you think of a new point to add to your thesis' support while you're drafting the concluding paragraph, go back and dedicate a body paragraph to it instead (if it's worthy of lending itself to one).
  • Dropping it into your concluding paragraph just to give readers one last thing to think about will leave them dangling. After all, writers don't like to leave their audiences dangling. Remember that your conclusion should create a sense of completeness of your research paper.
A strong and definite conclusion is your last chance to make your point clear to the audience and your last opportunity to impress them. So, don’t lose this chance, allowing a weak conclusion to fizzle away the strong research paper.
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